IMPORTANT REMINDER: Your Business no longer has to file with the state for your 1% fee. The fee will be included in your invoice.
During the 2018 legislative session, the General Assembly passed a bill shifting administrative responsibilities for the program from the IEDC to the local enterprise zone associations. As a result, zone businesses are no longer required to file its annual Enterprise Zone Business Registration (EZB-R) with the IEDC. Beginning on January 1, 2019, each zone business must now file an annual registration with its local Urban Enterprise Association (UEA) to claim tax savings and stay in good standing. A zone business must file its Enterprise Zone Business Registration (EZB-R) or Request for Extension (EZB-E) with its local fiscal body by June 1 of each year. If an EZB-E is filed, the zone business has until July 15 to file its EZB-R.
Please direct inquiries to the local enterprise zone association admin via email : kevin@hdcnwi.org