Frequently Asked Questions
Do I qualify for Enterprise Zone benefits?
You may qualify for some Enterprise Zone benefits if you live or work in the Enterprise Zone. Organizations that have a direct impact on the zone also may qualify.
How can I get a Welcome Lighting for my house or business?
The 2017 Security Light Program, sponsored by the HUEA, is now being managed by the Hammond Community Watch Organization. Please contact Janet Venecz if you are interested in this program at:
Janet Venecz
1115-170th Place
Hammond, Indiana 46324
Phone: 219-937-9774
How can I obtain an Enterprise Zone packet?
You may send us an email message requesting an Enterprise Zone packet, but all documents are available on our web site.
How can my organization apply for a Grant from HUEA?
If your organization is in the Enterprise Zone or benefits residents in the zone, you may apply for a Grant.
How do I find out if I'm in the Hammond Enterprise Zone?
Click here to see if your address is in the Hammond Enterprise Zone.
I received a tax packet in the mail, what should I do with it?
If you are a business owner that does not currently take advantage of Enterprise Zone incentives, please give the documentation to your certified public accountant. If you believe you received the package in error please email the HUEA at and include your name, address, phone number and brief explanation of why you should not receive the package (i.e. I am a resident not a business owner). We will remove erroneous addresses from our Zone business list. Thank you for your patience.
If a Hammond Enterprise Zone employee is a resident of an Enterprise Zone other than Hammond, can (s)he use the employee expense credit?
The employee cannot use the credit unless they work and live in the HAMMOND Enterprise Zone
If I live in the Enterprise Zone for part of the year, am I eligible for the employee credit?
The deduction equals the amount of pay earned as a zone resident employee. (for example, if you live in the Zone for six months, calculate six months of your salary into the deduction).
If my address used to be in the Enterprise Zone but the Zone Search says it is not in the Zone now, am I still in the Zone?
Yes. Also, you may still fill out an IT-40QEC.
Is there a way to evaluate the Hammond Urban Enterprise Association?
Our Board of Directors always appreciates feedback, comments and ideas to strengthen the benefits of the UEA.
What are the HUEA office hours?
The HUEA office is open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday through Friday.
What are the HUEA Zone's Tax Incentives?
The zone has 6 tax credits. The Loan Interest Credit, Employee Expense Credit, Employee Expense Credit, Inventory Tax Credit, Gross Income Tax Exemption, and Investment Cost Credit. Application forms can be found in the Tax Incentives section of the HUEA website.
What is an Enterprise Zone?
An Enterprise Zone is an area designated within a city that needs capital investments, employment, and a reduction in poverty. Hammond's Zone has been through one designation, 2 renewals, and several map increases for the benefit of Hammond residents and businessmen.
Where is the Enterprise Zone and how do I know if my house or my business is in it?
You may view our map or go to the zone address locator online. This is a quick way to simply type in the address needed and click the "Search" button. Our web site can tell you whether you're in or out of the zone.